Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Top 5 Foods that Can Kill you!!

Here is a list of foods that can cause of your death and some extremely dangerous decease like paralysis or they can cause upset stomach..
lets talk about them..

1) Fugu or Puffer Fish

Puffer fish may be a tasty fish but it contains extremely dangerous poison in its organs and skin that can cause paralysis or even death. 
Image source: Google

2) Mushrooms 

Some species of mushrooms can kill you or can cause strong illusions and you will get in dangerous situations.
Image source: Google

3) Live Octopus

In some countries or places people are eating live poisonous octopus and this can cause chocking or death because the suction cups of octopus can stick in your throat and on other hand the poison can cause death or paralysis in some minutes.
Image source: Google

4) Cherry

If you are eating cherry now than eat it carefully because the cherry seed contains Hydrogen Cyanide.
Image source: Google

5) Ackee 

The ackee, also known as acheeackee apple or akee this fruit needs fully ripped as it contains toxic that will lead to death. Importation of this fruit is banned in some countries. 
Image source: Google

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Saturday, December 3, 2016

5 Reasons to eat Sushi

In this blog post we are going to know about the health benefits of Sushi.

First of all let's we talk about History of Sushi.

Sushi is began in Japan around 8th century and its originally found and developed in Southern Asia. In starting the sushi is made by preserving the fish in fermented rice and in the Muromachi period people began to eat fish with rice.
Image source: Google 

1) Increase life span

Sushi helps to improve the hormone balancing and metabolism also prevent certain cancers and also improve the immune system.
That's why the average life expectancy for both women and men in Japan is high in the world. 
Image source: Google

 2) Lower in calories

It is true that Sushi is low in calories because the fish used in sushi such as Red snapper and Sea bass have calories less than 100 cal per 100 gm even fish like toro, fattier cut of tuna, mackerel, eel has calories less than 200 cal per 100 gm.
Image source: Google

3) Sushi contains rice vinegar 

Rice vinegar is a good antibacterial which can be used to preserve food for a long time its generally helps digestions and also lowering the risk of high blood pressure. It works as an conditioner in its diluted form.
Image source: Google

4) HIgh in Omega 3 Fatty acids

Fish such as sardine, herring which are used in sushi are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acid is effective in preventing of heart disease and stock. Omega-3s can promote brain health during pregnancy and early life. Omega-3s can reduce Asthma in Children.
Image source: Google

5) Ginger and Wasabi

Like rice vinegar, ginger is an effective natural antiseptic. It aids digestion as well as boosting the immune system and helping the body to fight colds and flu.
Wasabi is rich in vitamin C, wasabi stimulates the production of saliva and aids digestion. It has powerful antibacterial properties and is mildly antiseptic.
Image source: Google

Thanks for reading

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

5 Things you must know about Japanese Food

1) Japanese Recipes is one of only three national food traditions recognised by the UN 

The United Nation’s cultural organisation, added traditional Japanese cuisine, or , washoku into its Intangible Cultural Heritage list meaning that the preservation of this way of eating is vital to the survival of the traditional culture.

2) Japanese food is prepared carefully using seasonal ingredients and flavors

Japanese food is as much about the preparation and presentation as it is the food itself. A great deal of thought goes into every item served. While we think of only four annual seasons, Japanese chefs consider dozens of seasons and carefully select ingredients that are in their prime with flavors that represent that specific period. Because we visited in the very early spring (beginning of March) every meal that we tried included bitter components which is a typical flavor for this season. Tasting these flavors, connects Japanese eaters with years past.
Kushiyu Restauran, Tarzana, CA

3) Simplicity is key

Courses include a few small items, often fresh and with simple flavors. Japanese chefs work with top quality ingredients and do as little to the food as possible to bring out the colour and flavor.
Kushiyu restaurant 

4) Infrequent use of garlic, Chile peppers, and oil

Many foods are seared, boiled or eaten raw and minimally seasoned.  Umami (a rich flavor profile characteristic of Japanese food) is enhanced by using just a few ingredients including miso, soy sauce, mushrooms, seaweed, bonito flakes, and bonito broth. When foods are fried (like tempura) the batter is thin and absorbs very little oil.
Best restaurant in CA

5) It doesn’t look like a lot of food but it is

Though the individual servings are small, traditional Japanese meals (called kaiseki) include several courses which add up to a lot of food. You will fill up.
Kushiyu Restaurant

Kushiyu restaurant

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Also see:

1) Fugu or Puffer Fish

Puffer fish may be a tasty fish but it contains extremely dangerous poison in its organs and skin that can cause paralysis or even death.
Image source: Google

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

5 Best Blogging Tips to get more Readers

5 Best Blogging Tips to get more Readers

If  you want to increase site/ blog traffic than you should start commenting on other bloggers blog but in a right way for avoid being spam to bloggers. Lets start it - 

1)  Be helpful to others

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Always try to leave good and helpful information in comments and avoid comments like "Great blog" "I like your blog' "Nice Info" etc. they appear good but they are not. Bloggers normally do not approve these type of comment because they don't contain any kind of info and value, so commenting like this is waste of time for you and bloggers.

Leaving helpful info in comments can improve your blogging experience and blog traffic too and your blog gets some value in front of other bloggers.

2)  How to find other blogs on which to comment

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You might be thinking, “This is good Joe, I’d like to comment on other blogs, but I’m not sure where to find them.” This is completely understandable. Sometimes it’s hard know where to go when there are a gazillion blogs online. Of course there are always a few heavy hitters in every niche, but here are some ways to find new ones:

Search. It’s simple, but sometimes overlooked. Looking for other food blogs? Google “Food,” “food blogs,” “how to cook” or other food-related keywords.
Use social media. It’s easy to find others online with sites like Pinterest.
Copy others. Take note of what the bloggers you already follow are doing, who they follow and where they spend their time. If you follow them long enough, you’re likely to hear them refer to other places they are involved online. Click on “Following” in any of their social media profiles to get a list of people they follow.

Forums are also great places to find other like-minded bloggers. Again, simply search “food forum,” “food community,” “food group” etc.
Hashtags. The words or phrases indicated by a pound sign (#) semi-organises a particular conversation into one stream. You can search for hashtags at a place like hashtags.org, but I prefer to find them by noting which hashtags the people I follow use.  

3)  Avoid to being spammy

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No doubt, commenting on other blogs is very effective way to increase your readers but it should not be the only reason you comment on other blogs.
Stop commenting your URL always because it can lead you to spam. 

4)  Be patient

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If you haven’t figured it out yet, making money as a blogger is hard work. It’s time-consuming and requires a lot of sticktoitiveness.

Don’t expect to comment on a few blogs and then get a flood of traffic. It doesn’t work that way. It takes time, lots of time in most cases.

5)  What to Avoid When Leaving Comments on Other Blogs

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Also written several years ago is a post I wrote about how you can actually hurt your brand by commenting on other blogs. In it I listed 10 things to avoid (this did cause a little debate on a couple of them so there are different opinions):

Highly use of Signatures – this practice was more common several years ago but it involves leaving a link to your blog IN your comment in addition to in the link field that bloggers allow you to link to your blog in.

Highly Self Linking – only leave links that are relevant and not in every post you write.
One or Two word Comments – it’s ok to show some appreciation and say ‘great post’ – but more useful to the blogger is for you to tell them WHY you think it’s a great post. Add some value.

Not Reading Posts Before Commenting – this is pretty self explanatory. I would also advise reading through other comments already left!

Flaming and Personal Attack – not good form. If you disagree, be constructive.
’Anonymous’ Flaming – if you have something to say, put your name to it.
Always Being First To Comment – I’ve seen a few people do this over the years and they’ve ended up annoying the blogger and other commentators. It’s not good manners to always be the one to say something… conversation is also about giving others room to speak.
Dominating Comment Threads – similar to #7, listen, allow others to contribute and let your comments bounce off them a little.

Keyword Stuffed Names – I know this one causes some debate but my personal preference is to know the name of a person that I’m speaking to rather than refer to them as their Business Name.

Not adding value to the Comments – Ultimately this one is what it is all about. If you’re adding value, you’ll get value back. If you add no value, you could be hurting your brand.

While leaving comments does have many benefits I think that most people get into trouble with commenting when they are just going through the motions of leaving comments as a ‘strategy’ rather than leaving comments because they genuinely want to engage.

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Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/kushiyurestaura/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ShawnKushiyu
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kushiyu-restaurant-078ba3126?trk=hp-identity-name
StumbleUpon.com - http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/Kushiyu
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016


    • Kushiyaki Dinner

    • 10 sticks of Kushiyaki, served with miso soup and rice
    • Seafood & Vegetable Course
      Tuna, Chilean sea bass, Swordfish, Squid, Scallop, Shrimp, Salmon, Eggplant, Mushroom, and Asparagus
    • Seafood, Chicken & Vegetable Course
      Swordfish, Squid, Shrimp, Chicken w/green onion, Chicken meat ball, Lotus root w/chicken, Chicken wings, Mushroom, Asparagus, & Okura w/pork
    • Chicken & Vegetable Course
      Chicken w/green onion, Chicken meat ball, Lotus root w/chicken, Chicken breast w/plum paste, Chicken breast w/spicy citrus, Chicken wings, Mushroom, Chicken liver, Asparagus, and Okura w/pork
    • Kushiyaki Dinner Combination

    • 6 sticks of Kushiyaki (Chicken w/green onion, Chicken meat ball, Swordfish, Asparagus, Mushroom, Chilean sea bass) & one choice from below, served with miso soup and rice. (Except with the choice of “Nabe” which will be served w/small salad instead of miso soup)
    • Sushi
      6 pieces of Sushi (Tuna, Yellowtail, Shrimp, Salmon, White fish, & Hokki clam), and 3 pieces of cucumber roll
    • Sashimi
      4 kinds of fresh raw fish slices (Tuna, Salmon, White fish, & Octopus)
    • Sashimi Salad
      Sliced tuna and halibut with “Soy flavored” dressing
    • Ikura And Salmon-Zuke Don
      Marinated salmon with salmon egg bowl
    • Yose Nabe
      Light soy flavored seafood pot w/vegetables & tofu
    • Ishikari Nabe
      Miso based seafood pot w/vegetables & tofu
    • Nikomi Nabe
      Spicy flavored seafood pot w/vegetables & tofu
    • Tempura
      2 pieces of shrimp and 4 pieces of vegetable tempura
    • Yukari Age
      Scallop, chicken & shiitake mushroom wrapped in shiso leaf, then deep fried

How to make CHOCOLATE CAKE at home


1 1/4 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup warm water
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp distilled white or apple cider vinegar

Chocolate Glaze
1/2 cup sugar
4 tbsp margarine
2 tbsp soy milk
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tsp vanilla extract

*if you don't have soy milk or margarine, you can use butter in place of the margarine & whatever milk you prefer in place of the soy

Monday, August 22, 2016

How to cook Beef Kushiyaki


In a bowl, mix the mirin, garlic, soy sauce, mono sodium amalgamate, and sugar; stir to dissolve the sugar. Place the beef and green onions into the marinade, stir to coat with marinade, and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Soak bamboo skewers in water.
Preheat the oven's broiler and set the oven rack about 6 inches from the heat source.
Roll a slice of thin beef around a piece of green onion; skewer the roll with 2 bamboo skewerS..........